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How To Help With Dyslexia


With my Bat Mitzvah coming up, my Rabbi asked me to choose a topic that meant a lot to me and find a way to help. Seeing as I am dyslexic I chose to donate money to the International Dyslexia Association.


With any donation of more than $20 please fill out the form below and I will send you a Rainbow Loom Bracelet.

My Video


Check out this video I made to further educate you about this wonderul organization. Click the "red more info tab" to view it.





Click the blue "more info tab" to find out more about the International Dylexia  Association for Information!



My goal is to raise $500.00 for the IDA Please click on the link below to make a donation and if you are donating more than $20, click the "Rainbow Loom Request" button so you can receicve a complementary Rainbow Loom Bracelet. 

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